Optimal holiday
How you enjoy the most of your vacation? Lazing on the beach or climb into the mountains? How long should you go away for the ultimate holiday feeling? The science of celebrating holiday has got the answer on this question. These are the best tips to de-stress during your holiday and to recharge yourself. And …, you will also achieve the best holiday feeling afterwards.
1. Alternate short and long holidays
Every holiday, short or long, has a positive effect. But, really take a distance from your work? Most people succeed only after a week. Day eight of the summer holiday is a top day. You are long enough away from your daily worries and you don’t have go home soon.
holiday book fragment Manon Oosterhof
2. Create a holiday book
What could be more fun than saving your holiday moments in the form of a holiday book? Especially when get started rested, the best ideas come to the surface and that you would like to capture for later if you are at home. A holiday book is good for the after-fun, because recalling memories of a happy holiday contributes to the happiness level.
3. Relax, but stay active
Vacation is enjoying doing nothing, right? A peaceful holiday seems to last forever, but in your memory your free summer weeks become actually shorter. To keep a nice long holiday feeling, you need to undertake a lot. Doing things makes you also happier than possessing things.
4. Experience a perfect last vacation day
What do you remember from your vacations? People turn out to remember especially the peaks, the troughs and the end. Create especially from your last day an unforgettable memory. What you absolutely shouldn’t do, is cleaning up and start packing! Do this at the penultimate day.
More holiday feeling?
Some tips come from the research by Jessica de Bloom. Would you like to take your holiday feelings to your work? Read more information about my workshop on 17 September. Read soon tips for those who stay at home on bodyandmind.amsterdam.
Photo credits Pixabay.com and Manon Oosterhof