Find energetic causes

Misunderstood complaints with your child? It is not uncommon for a younger or older child to suffer from a disturbed energy balance. This can express itself for example in misunderstood physical complaints, recurring nightmares, fear, intense emotions or high sensitivity.

Energetic diagnosis or reading

You can give attention to the disturbance in the form of a healing. In this you will recognise also the Dutch word ‘helen’ (healing). In a healing session, the healer tunes in on the soul of the child, to find the deeper energetic causes of the complaint. This is called reading. The psycho-spiritual information from the reading is then elaborated and sent to the parents.

To find the source

Sometimes its immediately clear what the source of a disturbance is, as for example with a traumatic birth process. But it also appears that there is a complex field of aspects underlying the imbalance.

So there may be unknown and unprocessed sorrow, a hidden family burden or there may be (unconscious) old memories of a previous life of the child being triggered. But there are of course also other elements that may play a role.

Let the healing energy flow

After the energetic diagnosis the child receives a healing. Through subtle touch of the feet and the head, the healer let energy flow through to the blockades, which have been seen in the reading. Children experience relaxation and trust, they are more in touch with their emotions and their physical body. The recovery of the inner safety of the child helps him or her through a beneficial process. It’s nice when one of the parents is present at the healing.


The session for the child itself takes about an hour to complete. At the request of the parent(s) sometimes there can also be worked remotely for a child: distant healing. Healing is of added value, but it never replaces a medical or psychological treatment.

Read more on psycho-spiritual medicine.

Does your child have misunderstood complaints; perhaps a healing can help!

Photocredits: Mirjam van Klink