The strongest?

Have you ever had to defend yourself? Did you know that it’s not about who is the strongest. And that you don’t need brutal force to succeed in self-defence. With peace, harmony and respect you achieve much more and it feels much better!

Defend yourself

You always take yourself with you. So why not organize your own defence by learning the right techniques. That is possible with Aikido. Originally Aikido is a Japanese martial art that can help you to defend yourself if necessary. This defense is based upon maintenance of your physical and mental integrity.

Anyone can practice

Aikido oefening

Aikido is a defence sport that you practice in so-called dojos. Anyone is welcome and you can go there with your own expectations. At your own pace, depending on who you are, you start the exploration (of Aikido) and step by step you learn to incorporate the defence techniques. You will learn how to fall down, roll and protect yourself under increasing pressure.

Focus on your personal developm

The practice in the dojos of Aikido Amsterdam is dynamic and physical. The emphasis is on the connection with the partner. Aikido can be practiced at all ages. There are clear agreements about the progress of the exercises and the role of both partners. This means that the dojos are a stimulating and safe environment to practice. The classes are mixed; men and women train together. The only requirement to grow physically is to let yourself be taken along mentally. In doing so, you can achieve an optimal balance within your personal physical and mental boundaries. The focal point is your own development process.

Toddlers, preschoolers and youth

Besides the classes for adults there are classes for toddlers, preschoolers and children between 6-9 years and 10-14 years. Furthermore there are parent-and-child classes. You can watch a video on YouTube.

Tom Dijkman: “I have over 20 years of experience with aikido and I am still exploring. Therefore I travel a lot, nationally and internationally. Every year I go to Japan for inspiration and training. What fascinates me in aikido is how you can take the defence techniques further and further and how you constantly keep developing in working with a partner.”

The dojos of Aikido Amsterdam are located on the Palmstraat 34 in the Jordaan and on the Wenckebachweg 6V5 in the eastern part of Amsterdam.

Photo credits: Olivier Louter