My search for balance

I often get the question how I’ve come to started It is interesting to realise that my search in the field of body and spirit started at a young age. I was thirteen years old, when I had my horoscope made up and I had my first reading. A whole new world was opening up for me!  Also at that time I was already busy with eating healthy because of my sensitive intestines.

The turnaround

When I was 24 years old, my father got cancer and that changed my life dramatically. The message didn’t came as quite unexpected, but it still felt like one of the pillars of my life dropped. Shortly after the death of my father I collapsed  physically and I suffered several depressions. I therefore followed intensive therapy. In the years after I tried alternatives and body-oriented therapies. All part of my quest to find my balance back again.

Training zen shiatsu

In 2003 I made the choice to do a training to become a therapist. It was the vocational training Zen Shiatsu in Amsterdam. After that I developed myself further by doing regression workshops, family-lineups, rituals and sound healing. It felt like coming home.

Change of work

over-ons-portret-nicolienAfter my career as a self-employed person in the pr and communication and the organisation of congresses, I work as a shiatsu therapist since 10 years now. I also set up Studio Open in Amsterdam East, where I bring together multiple disciplines as therapy, training and workshops.

With I want to share my years of experience and knowledge, online. I do so by opening up topics in a lifestyle magazine about conscious and healthy living in Amsterdam. I’d like to reach out to a wider group of people to let them get to know the various possibilities. There is so much choice in this time we live in, so everyone has the chance to find something which suits him or her. In this way I can make more people aware of the  ways to find back their balance!


Photocredits: Els de Bruin, Jasper de Waal (foto Nicolien)