Organic wines at Glouglou
The opinions are mixed: how (un)healthy is a glass of wine? At Body and Mind Amsterdam however, we have a clear opinion: we are crazy about a good glass of wine and as long as there is not ‘ too much ‘ for it (everything were ‘too’ (‘te’ in Dutch) stands for isn’t good, my grandma always said, except of course ‘tevreden’ (Dutch for satisfied). As far as we are concerned, it fits within a healthy lifestyle. And when you drink organic wine it’s twice as good! That is why we are fan of Glouglou in De Pijp. A wine bar and shop with perhaps the best wines of Amsterdam.
At Glouglou they serve wine free from additives. Pure nature and therefore also called ‘vin natural’. Besides these wines – from Spain, France and Italy – have very good flavors, they seem less hangover-sensitive. This is because there is no sulfite in wine. So do you drink accidentally a bit ‘ too ‘ much wine, the next morning you will suffer a little less from it than normal. This must be something what makes everybody happy!
But we also like this spot because it is extremely cosy decorated, there is a homely atmosphere and a sunny terrace. Here you drink your organic wine with a lot of pleasure (and you’re not the only one: the wine bar is always packed), of course combined with some matching French food. Good to know: on Friday, Saturday and Sunday the wine bar is open for lunch. A lunch that I definitely should try!
No time for an extensive drink or getting quests who you want to serve something special? Glouglou is also a wine shop, so you can take home your favorite wine(-s)!
Do you also want a nice organic wine: visit Glouglou on the Tweede van der Helststraat 3 in Amsterdam or look at
Photo credits weheardit3.