Nature shows you!

I’m sitting in the garden and see a plant between the paving stones. It is Iron hard. I left it there last year with confidence, and now beautiful long stems and lovely pink flowers are growing from it. In a pot I let a dill plant shoot and the dill now has yellow flowers. It’s really a wonderful combination. I can enjoy it very much and made very nice pictures of it.

Let it grow

If I would have had a controlling attitude, then I would’ve cleared everything away between the paving stones. Everything had to be ‘neat’ according to the rules; but who considers those rules anyway? Then this super nice combination would not have arisen and I would not have thought about it as well. And isn’t it true that many important scientific discoveries are done by ‘coincidence’.

How can we be at peace with the things that are happening. In the garden I can and I let things grow, where existence has planted it. Of course I also clear over excessive weeds away, but I keep the seven leaf, because I realise that I don’t get it under control anyway. And did you know that you can make delicious pesto of it!

Have faith: don’t be on top of it

Honestly, I find it more difficult to do it in my life. To let things happen. To have faith, no judgment and just to live with the belief that it is good and it will get a place. In that way beautiful things can arise, just like in the garden experiment. Not on top of it, be open and wait and see.

I’ll keep trying, because I think that a life in confidence is a nicer and more beautiful life than a life from fear and control. The garden is my school.

Photocredits: Hanneke Sloof