Read it back in your hands
“How did you became a hand analyst?" I certainly get that question asked weekly. And no, as a child I did not had that in mind. I wa...
How Bach flower supports
"I'm still sooo tired! I’m gonna stay in bed for a bit longer." Do these thoughts go through your mind sometimes, when your alarm cloc...
Fruits and vegetables for bladder inflammation
You might recognise it? A burning sensation when urinating and after a urine test at your GP it turns out you ha...
Whole wheat vegan sushi
We all know them, sushi made from white rice. But do you like to try another flavour? Try macrobiotic. It is really different than what...
Moving and relaxing in the outdoors
The alarm is going off but I don’t want to hear it. It's dark, it’s raining and it feels cold above the blankets. But I hav...
Craving a silent head
I have a busy and hectic life: work, child, relationship, practice, a lively group of friends and family. And lets not forget about the g...
What is drama therapy?
The answer is simple. The word 'drama' comes from the Greek language and means: to act. Roughly translated drama therapy means: therapy ...
Griep and Ayurvedic smoothie
After a busy period last fall, I got the flu. I was apparently oblivious to it and I had just treated a customer that had just rec...
Me and myself
After the soft launch of I started to feel. Joy about what we already had achieved, but also a huge tiredness. This was bec...
Let's get lazy!
After a busy work week, I look forward to the weekend. Although I must confess as a freelancer I often don't really have a weekend. With deadli...