A macrobiotic way of living

A good friend of mine always gave it back to me: “look where you came from and where you are now!” He was referring to a dark period of uncertainty, depression, loneliness and lethargy. I was right in my own vicious circle. And then there came a time when I was done with the misery. I looked at myself and said, what can I change?

A vision

Soon after that thought I got a vision. Riding a tricycle along an Amsterdam Canal, on my way to a family to prepare them a birthday meal. The image was powerful and I felt I had to do something with it.
I went into training with Appetite catering, where I learned about macrobiotics. I started doing fitness and to take a swim in the sea every week. I threw all the bad stuff from bottles, packs and bags away and began to experiment with macrobiotic cooking. Finally, I moved to a very cozy, quiet home in the Centre of Amsterdam and after two years practical experience in Appetite there was: Joricious Delicious. A private catering company with a macrobiotic diet!

Familiar food healthy prepared

My drive is to ‘bring people back in touch with nature’ through Joricious Delicious. We establish that by preparing delicious, vegan, macrobiotic meals. The macrobiotic lifestyle and cuisine fits perfectly with my roots and belief of being, and to eat as pure as possible. I grew up in a beautifully located farm in Brabant, with lots of fruit and vegetables from our own garden. Back in the day I ate extremely yang (meat) and yin (sugar, night damage, alcohol). By preparing macrobiotic food I find that the qualities of the natural forces yin and yang can be found in everything and in balance. With Joricious Delicious I try to inspire my guests, meditation groups, yoga groups, dancers, athletes, teachers and (social) organisations to live by a more natural and much more pure diet. My strength lies in offering mainstream, familiar food offering them in a macrobiotic way, without people even noticing it.

Food from the season and the region

Macrobiotic cooking is cooking with a common sense. What grows here in our climate, helps us to get the right fruition and nutritions. What grows in a tropical climate, is more intended to cool off. I therefore, use organic ingredients of the season and from the region, as much as possible, coming from local entrepreneurs.

Organic ingredients

The base for macrobiotic cooking always contains:

– whole grains;
– vegetable protein;
– and three kinds of vegetables: root vegetables (grounding), round fruits (relaxing and invigorating); Green fiber-rich vegetables (good for the intestines and rich in calcium).

Proven knowledge

The macrobiotic technique includes a lot of age-old, proven knowledge about health. With this knowledge, about the effect of what good it does to your health, you can very well make your lifestyle fit and in balance. Do it yourself!

To have someone taken care of a delicious and healthy meal for your colleagues, friends, family, group- and club members: a great opportunity! Also check out: www.JoriciousDelicious.nl

Photocredits: Joris Holtermans