Talents and work
You ever notice that you are no longer enthusiastic about your work? And did you get the idea that your talent is not always effectively used? It happens to many people. Especially if there are many changes take place on your work. You know the drill: yet another reorganization, a change of policy or other type of manager. You have been given other tasks or your work has changed because you started as independent contractor. Gradually, you do less and less work that you really like and where you are really good at. Sometimes the change is so huge that the doubt strikes: “am I still suitable for this work?”.
New possibilities
In every organization changes take place and that can get pretty frustrating. But every new situation also offers opportunities for you to be able to (re) discover and use your talents. You may ask yourself if you still doing the work you really like. If you dare to look critical (but objectively) at your strengths and weaknesses, you give yourself the chance to develop. You discover the value of your qualities for yourself, but also for the organization where you work. Learn to see your opportunities, I would say.
Make better use of talents
People who take advantage of their talents, get satisfaction from their work. It also shows that improving your weaknesses is less effective than optimize your strengths (Research ).
Would you also like to use your talents better? On 5 November I organize a workshop on this theme. One of the things I want to teach you is to make your talents more visible and to rely more on your expertise. Therefore, others will often more rely on your expertise. You also learn to achieve a better balance in your job load. This will lead to more energy inside and outside your work. On my website (under the heading Talent) you can read more about the content of the workshop.
Photo credits: Pixabay